allen pune results

Fake Results of Allen Pune in JEE Main Session 1: Exposed.

Recently Allen Pune has published their JEE Main Session 1 result. As soon as we saw the result, we were shocked to see the name of Khushi Kucheria on the list as Pune girl’s topper.

In reality, Khushi Kucheria is a Spectrum, Nashik student and has never been to Pune for any offline classes. Khushi on this day also, is preparing for her JEE Advanced exam at Spectrum, Nashik and this can be verified from the teachers teaching her at Spectrum Nashik. She has never taken a single class in Pune.

As Allen Pune, had very few students in 99.9 percentile category, and they resorted to faking their result.


But, how is Allen Pune shamefully claiming her to be an Allen student and that too from Pune?

  1. The only plausible explanation is that they have bribed the parents of Khushi with money, which is their usual modulus operandi. They are like vultures, who are looking for a chance to lure the parents of good students with money. They identify these good students and then approach them with lucrative offers just a couple of months before the result of their child. The parents, due to their greed, accept the same.
  2. In case of Khushi, it was clear to Allen, they can’t claim the result of Khushi from Nashik, as students and teachers of Spectrum and Allen, Nashik will identify Khushi as a Non-Allen student promptly, and their lie will get caught and hence, they played this con to portray her as an Allen Pune student to deceive the students, parents, and the teachers.

This result published by Allen Pune also shocked the students studying at Allen Pune, they have never seen her in any of the classes or her name in any of the rank lists in their usual tests. According to them too, this is very common for Allen to poach the results of students from other coaching institutes.

Recently, in one of their ads, FIITJEE also targeted Allen on the same points.


When Allen released their result in Sakal, they claimed Punit Chaudhari to be their online classroom student, while in another ad, they claimed him to be an online test series student. The reality is Punit Chaudhary is an offline classroom student at some other coaching institute in Pune.

Allen Pune Claiming Fake result of Punit Chaudhary

In summary, Allen Pune’s shady actions, like making up results and aggressively seeking success by any means, raise doubts about the reliability of educational accomplishments and academic practices as buying the result give them an easy way out instead of focusing on the growth of students and creating their own results.

Below we have added some more news paper coverage:

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