IIT PK Pune JEE Advanced 2022 results

The Truth of IIT Prashikshan Kendra (IITPK) Pune Results in JEE 2022


According to their website, IITPK claims to have the highest success rate in Pune. Pune Jago IIT JEE conducted an in-depth review of the outcomes attained by IITPK in recent years in order to determine the veracity of this claim. Here is what we noticed: IITPK never refers to the students’ rankings or percentiles. A document published to their website that contains a list of the names of the students and the stream they have chosen is the only means of displaying results that they use.

Now the question here arises is, without the percentile or ranks, what is the degree of authenticity of these results shown to the students/parents?

Every student has a right to information about the prior success of the coaching group he is thinking about joining. According to their website, we wanted to determine the IIT Prashikshan Kendra’s success rate. We’re estimating that they have 800 students learning with them overall.

  • Looking at the list from their website, they have a total of 26 students selected into the IITs including all courses and all the IITs.

True Success rate of IITPk = 20/800 * 100 % = 2.5%

Hence, when the true success rate of IITPk is just 2.5%, their claim of Best Success rate is a fake claim.

  • They have claimed that 1 in 3 IITians of Pune are from IIT Praskishan Kendra (IITPK). This claim is also fake, and they have provided no data to prove this. Their website has little or no details of the students that they claim to have selection in IITs. We analysed this in detail and total number of selections in IITs from iiTPK in the last year 2021 was 41 out of which none got CSE. Comparing this with the number of students appearing from IITPK in JEE Main and Advanced which is around 800, this result is very poor and far below the average rate of selections from premier institutes of Pune, M Prakash Academy and Bakliwal Tutorials.

IITPK JEE Advanced 2022 result

IITPK JEE Advanced 2022 result

This analysis raises some questions because it is obvious that IITPK is not telling students and parents the true results. We can’t be certain of the service they will offer pupils once they apply because they make false claims regarding their number of choices and success rate.

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